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Daily Wisdom
Everyone can use a little daily wisdom. I look to others I respect for bits of wisdom via Twitter every morning. I post my own bite-size daily wisdom there. Now I'm sharing my tweets here with you as well.
If you'd like to follow along directly, click the link to the left and follow me on Twitter @Soul4Breakfast.
For Today:
Nothing impacts your success more than knowing without a doubt what your true talents are - and how to use them. What's your magic?
#respect. You may earn it back.
To get ahead at work, know what matters to your company and your boss... then deliver it. You'll earn more money, freedom, and respect.
Want others to support your choices? Understand and address their preferences before you choose. Show
I think the easiest path to being successful... is to choose success.
How to get your week off to a good start: Do something nice for someone else first thing Monday morning. Works every time. :-)
Stand up for what you believe. Speak when your voice needs to be heard. Influence others. (But don't pick fights.)
Don't lose what makes you special by trying to conform. Fit in, but stand out.
Have confidence. Have swagger even. But don't let your ego out to play. People won't like you, trust you, or support you.
Know yourself. Don't waiver. You have to buy in to who you are... or no one else will buy in either.
For this week: Let's try to remember the distinction between being right and doing right. I'm in. Are you?
Some inspiration from Martha Beck today: "I don't know what the hell is going on... and that's okay."
Consider being nice to everyone at work. Why? It's the right thing to do.
Every comment you make, every opinion you share, every action you take tells the story of who you are at work. Just sayin'.
Living With Regret: Something didn't live up to your expectation and you don't like it. The question is what will you do about it?
Sometimes taking responsibility stinks. It's still almost always the right thing to do. Good news? It gets easier the more you do it.
When things go wrong, we tend to spend more time thinking about the WHAT than the WHY. The why... is where the lessons live.
It's not your place to worry about what other people think of you. You know the truth. Live your truth and let them live theirs.
My Favorite Life Lesson: You have to give it to get it. If you're not getting something you want, take a look at what you're giving.
Trying to be perfect, gain favor, avoid vulnerability - it's exhausting. Even then, someone will judge you for being perfect. Just do you.
In the workplace, try to avoid extremes. Don't be bland. Add a little salt, pepper, and spice. Just lay off the hot sauce.
You can show up and go through the motions... or you can show up, step up, and make a difference. What will you choose today?
Want your boss to love you? Keep your emotional cost low. Add, don't detract. Fix, don't break. Give before you take.
Join me in today's challenge? Let's stop judging what others at work are doing – or not doing- and focus on our own contributions.
Today, choose one bad work habit - and let it go. You'll be surprised how easy it is. Greatness always starts with one simple choice.
Things may drive you crazy at work today. Go ahead - be annoyed. But be productive too. Do your best work despite the madness.
Today is my Mom's 80th birthday. Here's a thought: The set-backs and challenges that seem *so* significant today, are just peanuts over the course of a lifetime. Live life well... and let the rest sort itself out.
As more people blur the line between work and life... I push back. Love your work. Love your life. Let each stand on its own.
What makes you a rock star at work? Being able to adapt to whatever comes your way... and perform anyway.
How to be happier at work? Focus more on what's right... and less on what's wrong.
Grace is always a great choice... because you never have the possibility of regret.
It's natural to want bad things to *un-happen*. Instead, look forward. Where can you go from here? What's the next best thing?
Food for thought. People pay more attention to your words and actions than you think. Behave gracefully. Earn Respect.
A thought for today as you wrap up the week: Make a conscious choice to push the boundaries of what can be done. Live on the edge of possibility.
You don't have to change the world to be remarkable. You just have to be worthy of being perceived as extraordinary on occasion.
This Monday morning: Avoid thinking about how others *should* be and accept them where they are. Life becomes so much easier.
Standing on moral high ground because you're "right" is like standing in quicksand. Never. Good. See both sides.
The better you understand another person's perspective, the better you can influence it. Listen. Learn. Win.
Become skilled at reading between the lines. You can learn a lot about others from what they *don't* say or do. #readbetweenthelines
When you disagree with a co-worker, your perspective is like a runaway train. Hit the brakes. Find perspective. #workishard
Every morning is an opportunity to live large and be happy, even if it happens to be a Monday. #perspective
Your job is important. Do great work. Perspective is equally important. Don't let *work* take priority over *life*.
Go above and beyond at work. Make sacrifices. But only on occasion... and only when it really matters.
We tend to give the best of who we are - to our jobs. Maybe life outside of work deserves more of our best?
How to have a good week at work? *Choose* to have one. Then just roll with the punches. It'll drive other people crazy.
If your actions tell the story of who you are - and they do - what story are they telling? Worth thinking about, yes?
People absolutely want to hear us say the right things. What they want even more - is for us to *do* the right things.
When all is said and done, it doesn't matter so much what was said. It matters what was done.
Mondays are *much* more gratifying when you wake up thankful to be alive, healthy, smart, and capable. What if you weren't so lucky?
Lessons from Lance: Avoid untruths. It's not about perfection. It can't be. It's about intention.
Lessons from Lance: Admit a mistake early. It's harder to recover with grace over time. The longer it lingers, the bigger the fall-out.
Lessons from Lance: Push for the win, but be worthy of the victory.
Sometimes we learn OUR best life lessons by watching other people's missteps. Judge less. Watch and learn more.
Two things that count in the business world: Bring your best effort every day. Do what matters. Not always easy. Always worth it.
Think small. You don't have to solve world hunger to add value at work. Just take action and solve problems that matter.
To be valued at work: 1. Know what matters to your business and your customers. 2. Give your best effort to whatever matters most.
Remember that even Monday mornings are filled with crackling moments of opportunity to be good, do good, and feel good.
The trick to being happy at work isn't really a trick at all. Use your talent, do your best work, be clear on what you want and get it.
Don't look forward to what's next so much that you miss the joy of this moment. You'll wish your life away.
The passage of time doesn't slow for any of us, even if we're too distracted to notice. This year, take notice. Live life fully.
New year's resolutions are about change. Change is hard. Set aside BIG resolutions and think small. Small actions = big results.
This year, don't just hope for a better life. Actually achieve it, by doing better today than yesterday. It really is that simple.
You can't stop someone from being negative. You can only control your reaction. Don't be baited to join in. Shun negativity.
When someone complains to you, be an unworthy partner in their game. Don't be pulled in... and they'll pull away. Works every time.
Did you help the right person in the right way? Did you do a good job or bad? Figure out what matters and enjoy work a LOT more.
Want to love your job? Connect to your purpose. Ask yourself: Who do I help? How do I help? Why does it matter if I do a good job?
Be known for what makes you special. Use your unique talents as often as you can. Be hard to ignore... for all the right reasons.
If you know it'll work out okay in the end - because it always does - why not respond with grace in the first place when things don't go well?
The more grace you show in the face of disappointment or challenge, the more respect you'll earn at work and in life.
When you live in lingering disappointment, the "good" stuff can't break through. You won't even hear it knocking. Let disappointment go.
You don't always get what you want at work. You can throw a tantrum, or you can recover with grace. Choose grace.
For today: Give what you do and say your FULL attention. Life is so much richer when you're present to one thing at a time.
They lived happily ever after... and then they had to go to work. It doesn't have to be that way! Read this!
It's so easy to get caught up in what's bad. Stop and look for what's good. It will change your life.
Expressing gratitude in the workplace can change your life. Small change. HUGE impact.
Pursue what interests you. Bring your best to it. Love it. If you can’t love it, you’re not quite there. Repeat the cycle until you can.
"How" you do the things you do... is often much more important than "what" you do... in terms of feeling passionate about your life.
When you're *interested* at work, you're more interesting to your company's leaders. Learn more, speak up, get involved. It pays off.
Do you leave things better than you found them? Be a positive influence at work... and increases both your success *and* your satisfaction.
It doesn't matter what else you do if you aren't someone who delivers great results at work. Are you doing your *best* work today?
How to create lasting relationships? Less posturing and positioning... more respecting.
Imagine the power of just calling it like it is at work, with honesty and truth and respect for all involved. Be the example for others.
Positive change starts with one person, who influences another person, and so on. Why not be the one to start the domino affect today?
Sometimes we don't say things clearly because we don't want to invite inspection of what we're saying. Be brave by being *clear* today.
It's important to stand firm about what's okay and what's not okay in every work relationship.
Model the behavior you want mirrored back to you. You can't expect others to treat you differently than you treat them, right? Right!
You earn the right to be treated well, by treating others well. Do your part, not just today, but everyday.
To be treated respectfully at work, stop being smaller than you are. You'll be seen as unimportant. Be confident in the value you provide.
Don't let other people creating limiting beliefs for your career. Do what *you* want to do for you, and you alone.
What matters most to career success is doing great work that you love. Don't settle for less. Keep searching.
Your instincts tell you when to lean in and when to lean away from relationships, decisions, choices. You just have to listen.
When you acknowledge the good in something, the bad is less bad. This is always true. What's *good* in your workplace?
If you want a raise, know why you deserve it *before* you ask. You'll be more compelling... and MUCH more likely to get what you want.
Sometimes things don't seem fair at work. Forget about others. Be your best. Do your best. Deserve the best. Earn your success.
Your boss cares more about results than effort. Don't work hard. Work smart. Focus on delivering value vs. just "doing" your job.
Don't expect or await applause from others. Do great work and applaud your own efforts. Who better than you to celebrate your greatness?
Applause comes when you least expect it and it always grows in volume when it's truly deserved. Do good work. Don't wait for the applause.
Ponder this: the less you think about what you'll get in return for your hard work, the better your work may actually be.
Consider doing great work simply because you want to and you can... not because you'll get something in return. It's much more rewarding.
Try not to over-extend yourself. You'll feel trapped by your job. Inspiration only comes from freedom, of thought and circumstance.
Take pleasure in being the *best* at what you do. You'll be surprised by just how inspired you become in your work.
If you're looking back or forward with worry or concern, you can't be fully present in any given moment. Just imagine all you're missing!
Stories impact success in the workplace. You're not at peak performance with stories, real or imagined, on your mind. Get to the truth.
Shatter the myth. There is no "machine." Companies get better, and do better, one employee at a time. Why not let it start with you?
In the context of an imperfect world, just do the "rightest" thing you can.
Act as if you're delivering value to someone you know personally in all you do at work. You'll care more... and feel a lot happier.
The more clarity you have about what you want in, and from, your life, the more likely you are to get it. Pursue authentic self-discovery.
Have you ever stopped to ask: Where am I wrong? Challenge yourself in this way and you'll gain incredible insight... and respect.
How do you want the world to be different because you lived in it? Everyone is capable of making a difference. What will yours be?
This very moment is, always, the only moment in which you can make changes. If you don't like what you're doing, what would you prefer?
It's one thing to commit to discipline. It's another to practice it. Push through the tendency to take the easy way and win more often.
Nothing is more important in life than being clear about what you want. If you aren't clear, you can't be committed. It's that simple.
You won't achieve greatness without trying. Be good at things that matter. But be GREAT at (at least) one thing. Then... let it shine.
It's hard to be cool when we feel judged. Remember: It may be about you or directed at you, but it isn't your story. It's someone else's.
When someone hits a hot button, don't bring up history. Focus on the singular issue. You'll stay much more cool... And you'll be heard.
Step 3 to find your career sweet spot: Take what you love + what you do well, and make money doing it.
Step 2 to find your career sweet spot: Understand your special and unique gifts. What you enjoy + what you do well = magic results.
Step 1 to find your career sweet spot: Really understand what you enjoy...at work and at play. Work you don't enjoy = a life unfulfilled.
Be valuable to your employer to protect your paycheck. Strive to be better than good enough. Show initiative. Play well with others.
The adage "work hard to get ahead" only tells half the story. Hard work isn't the point. Good work is the point, which may take hard work.
Sometimes you make a wrong choice. Simply make a new choice, and commit to it. Move forward in confidence and trust your instincts.
If you make choices with what was good for you yesterday, last week, or last year, you may make a wrong choice. What's best for you NOW?
Before you can make wise choices in your life, you need to know what matters to you. Listen to others. But live life on your own terms.
Commit yourself to making good choices. Remember that the only one who can decide what will be a good choice for you...is you.
Before you leave a job, consider why you should *stay*. The negatives can overshadow the positives. Consider both sides.
If your employer repeatedly makes choices you disagree with, morally or ethically, consider moving on. Don't change your own moral compass.
Be thoughtful about where, when, and how you communicate messages that are important. Get this right... and your message will be heard.
Upset? Watch your emotional tipping point. Too far right, you're emotional. Too far left, you're angry. Try to stay in the center lane.
Be brave in the workplace. Just remember that bravery only counts if you create better outcomes than would otherwise happen.
It's unappealing to spend time with people who don't care about their work. Don't be a crusader, but care about something that matters.
Be clear. Be consistent. Be relevant. Be heard. Be successful.
Try to get really good at one thing. Then get good at another, and then another. Guaranteed greater satisfaction, at work and at play.
When we're asked to do more, we do more. When we're not, we usually don't. Be someone who doesn't require the ask. Deliver anyway.
Remember that someone always benefits from the work you do. Identify who you help and how, to connect with why your work matters.
Here's a TGIF thought for you. Avoid hoarding knowledge. What's the point? Share something interesting or important with others today.
Look for a pattern of challenges you've had job to job. You may need to make some changes. Don't run from your "stuff." It'll chase you.
Our richest experiences aren't found in validation from others, but in listening to our own voice - doing something that matters. (Daniel Pink)
Challenge yourself as to whether you're right. Do this often. You may change your mind just by taking the time to consider a 2nd option.
Deeply motivated people, those who are most productive and satisfied, hitch their desires to a cause larger than themselves. (Daniel Pink)
Someone has to explore and
discover, bring a unique perspective, take chances, and push for causes. Why
not be one of those people?
Don't go along with the
status quo if something can be better at work. Be the person who leaves it
better than you found it.
Natural inclinations at
work? To blend in completely or stand out with ferocity. Find the middle
ground. Be interesting, but not odd.
Avoid apathy at work. Make
a difference by standing for something. Anything. Otherwise, you risk being
terribly uninteresting.
The good in your job
matters as much, if not more, than the bad. The bad just casts a bigger shadow.
Don't let the good go unnoticed.
The "Bad Boss"
Epidemic: Are you at the end of your rope? Learn how to make a bad boss... less
bad. http://www.soulforbreakfast.com
Choose to be motivated at
work, despite the bad "stuff." Why not take control of your
destiny... and be happier in the process? Own it.
Always a good idea: Think
about why your message really matters to another person *before* you start
Sometimes the only way to
be heard is to change how you speak to another person. Approach on their terms…
and get the results you want.
To hold someone's
attention, imagine them saying "What's in it for me?" and then answer
the question without them having to ask.
To be interesting to
others at work, deliver even when nothing is asked of you. Contribute your best
talents. "Bring it" every single day.
Sometimes you need to stop
and listen to others. Believe it or not, they're smart too. Sometimes...
smarter than you. Let them show you.
Another great way to avoid
mistakes? Care about your work and your reputation. Without it, you're a
mistake waiting to happen.
Sometimes leaving a job is
best. But you may just trade one set of challenges for another. Think it
through - http://www.tinyurl.com/soul4b .
Before you quit a job,
think about why you should leave. Then think about why you should stay. The
balance of the two... may surprise you.
If you're unhappy at work,
how do you know when to stay and when to leave your job? Check out this week's
post! http://www.soulforbreakfast.com
It's hard to solve
problems successfully when you marry yourself to an outcome that has to do with
"winning' vs. resolving an issue.
In conflict, one person
wants the other to think or act differently. Simple. Get to resolution faster
by learning what they prefer.
Today: Sage words from the
fabulous Seth Godin. Don't demand authority. Eagerly take responsibility.
Relentlessly give credit.
Trust your instincts, at
work and in life. Never ignore early warning signs. If it doesn't feel right,
dig in.
When you start to behave
as if you're inspired by your work, you may just find that before long, you
really *are* inspired.
Try not to compromise your
relationship with one person to improve your relationship with another. It
doesn't serve you well. Be true.
Today, identify just one
thing you can "not do." You may find that the process is addictive.
Focus on what matters, give up what doesn't.
Sometimes you mess up. A
mistake almost always finds its way home. Own up to it, do your best to make it
right, and then be done with it.
Stress brings out the
worst in people, making us behave in ways we normally wouldn't. Don't make it
personal - and don't take it personal.
Small changes in
perspective and behavior can create dramatic improvements for you at work.
Challenge yourself. Small effort, BIG reward.
Be unique in the
workplace. But be known first and foremost for your performance. Personality
wins friends. Performance pays the bills.
Don't let challenging
people defeat you in the workplace. Get better at your own game. Become
smarter, faster, and better.
What matters in the
workplace is how others behave, not what they believe. Avoid making
assumptions. Let behavior rule the day.
Some people believe you're
born with confidence. It's not true. Confidence is built over time, by
overcoming a fear of being uncomfortable.
I've learned that
discrimination isn't actually very discriminating. We all have built- in
biases. Be aware of yours. Work to deny them.
Ignorance is only bliss
for those who are ignorant. For everyone else, ignorance represents an
opportunity to seek higher ground.
Find inspiration at work
by changing up just a few things: http://www.soulforbreakfast.com
The best way to avoid
conflict is to keep your ego and emotion in check. Keep it real. Don't let your
stories run laps around reality.
If you listen, people
generally tell you what they want, as well as what they *don't* want. The space
between is where compromise is born.
It's important to earn
respect at work. Unfortunately, consistency counts so you have to earn it over
and over again. It's worth the effort.
One of the blessings that
comes from working with ignorance is the ability to know with total certainty
what you will *never* do yourself.
Associate with people you
admire. Seek out those who inspire you. Let ignorance walk on by.
Avoid pre-conceived
notions about how others *should* be, and accept them where they are. You'll
build lasting relationships.
Relationships with
influential people at work matter. The trick? You never know who will have
influence tomorrow. Treat everyone well today.
Sometimes we're paralyzed
by uncertainty and doubt. Don't let the fear of making a mistake or being
judged limit your potential.
Making the same mistake
more than once in the workplace... isn't appreciated. Originality counts. Make
better mistakes tomorrow.
Most of the time when
others try to discredit you, they fail. They do more harm to themselves than to
you. Blissfully ignore them.
It's the start of a fresh
week. Live large. Experience life. Take risks. Make mistakes. Learn quickly. Do
It's virtually impossible
to relate to others if we're trying to protect ourselves from judgment. Let go
of your fears and be yourself.
Be gracious when others
make mistakes. If you haven't made one, you will. Set the tone now for how you
want others to respond when you do.
When you're unhappy at
your job, you're like a prisoner in your own life. Sometimes relief comes by
doing good work...and ignoring the rest.
You spend a lot of time at
work. It's very easy to let challenges consume you. Do the best work you can do
- and know you've done enough.
If you're lucky, you'll
work with many people who are brilliant, skilled and accomplished. Don't be
intimidated. Watch, listen and learn.
Today: Be smart. Be
strong. Respect Others. Listen as much as you talk. Stand up for what's right.
Don't bark or bite unless you have to.
When you feel capable and
competent, you feel confident. Don't be afraid to shine in your talent.
It may feel like the end
of the world when you make a mistake at work, but it isn't. How do you recover?
Try this: http://www.tinyurl.com/soul4b
Everyone defines success
on their own terms. There's no right answer and more fantastic, there's no
wrong answer. What could be better?
Three simple steps to
success. 1- Know what you're good at. 2- Do what you're good at. 3- Succeed
beyond your wildest dreams. Boom!
There's a distinction
between being right... and doing right. Guess which matters most in the broader
scheme of things?
Know that not everything
and everyone needs to be as you'd like them to be for it to be okay. Goodbye
control. Hello peace.
Ever feel great reaching a
goal, only to feel down when the shine of the moment wears off? For today,
press pause on achievement. Just be.
If you move beyond what
you do and what you have, you're left with who you are and how you are. It's
not just what you achieve... but how.